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Breastfeeding Affirmation Cards

Breastfeeding Affirmation Cards

A unique collaboration between Nurturing Well and @LinesByPrue. 31 beautiful, hand drawn images with positive heart-felt messages for new mothers for everyday of the month. 


Pick a card each day at random or in order. Read through the cards as part of your self care routine. Put the cards where ever you will be spending a lot of time; near your comfy feeding spot, in the family area, above the change table, next to your bed.. 


You can use them as bookmarks, you can hang them as art or gift to a friend. Grab a card anytime you feel you need a 

reminder that You’ve Got This! 


  • Disclaimer

    These cards are a compilation of the authors experience and passion. You should carry out your own research and seek professional advice before acting on or relying on any of the information on these cards. You accept full responsibility for the outcomes you choose to adopt and/or use from the ideas and concepts on these cards.

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